I've been slow to post. I'll chalk it up to toddler induced attention deficit issues. Buster has an attention span of about one minute. Maybe a few more if I'm letting him watch vintage Sesame Street on DVD. (Nope, we're not anti-television around here. We're just very limited and highly selective television when it comes to Buster. And, I feel pretty good about vintage Sesame Street.) But, I digress. It think I was writing about my attention deficit issues?
So I have a couple posts rolling around in my mind. One about some "nesting" that Buster likes to do, especially in the evening right before bed. And one about the ever growing rock pile that is the result of Buster's new rock collecting hobby. Every venture outdoors results in at least two rocks being added to the pile. (And, he's learning life lessons about the differences between rocks and doggie poo - sometimes things that look the same on the outside are entirely different on the inside.)
But, I'm going to save those posts for another time. Its just about the end of Buster's morning nap, and I'm banking on about five more minutes. Tops.
So, instead, I'm just going to write that, somehow, over the course of the past sixteen months, Buster has become a little person that I love spending time with. I've always loved him. No doubt. And, its been hard for me to be away from him, like on the day that I am at work. But, I've just realized recently that when I'm out and about without him, I miss him. I see things that I wish he could see because he would be so excited: school buses, trash trucks, crows, dogs, and smoke coming from just about anything. And, he's funny. He can be so silly. On purpose. And it makes me laugh. Hard.
Life with a toddler certainly has its challenges and ever increasing responsibilities. My daily prayer is that by God's grace and by the power of His Spirit we would raise Buster well.
At this moment, however, I am just reveling in the fact that I love spending time with my little boy.