Somewhere between one and a half and two. Not really a baby. Not fully described by the word "toddler". All boy. Part comedian. Part explorer. Part stunt-man. Very silly. All intertwined with a sweetness that sometimes catches me by surprise.
Buster is fairly selective with his expressions of love through physical touch. He gives sweet hugs and kisses to his daddy and me and he's been known to do the same to grandparents upon request. He also voluntarily hugs his best little buddy, Mattias. They like to hug at the beginning and end of each playdate. Outside of this circle, Buster usually sticks to "high fives".
Recently, we were making our daily expedition to our neighborhood playground. As we got closer, Buster let out a slightly surprised "oh". In the sand, with his torso partly buried, was a Spiderman figurine. His head was missing. As I watched, Buster trotted over to him and picked him up. Noticing, I think, that Spidey did not have a head, Buster gently gave him a kiss.
That little gesture embodies a whole lot of what I hope I never forget about this sweet boy at this age.