Thursday, May 16, 2013

Why Grace?

Recently, we welcomed, for the second time, the most wonderful gift into our lives.  A new baby.  This time, a girl.  And though we are tired and somewhat overwhelmed in all the ways that are typical with a newborn in the house, I think its fair to say that we are also completely humbled by being entrusted with two lives.

A son and a daughter.


As soon as we knew we were going to have a little girl, I knew (and luckily my husband agreed) that her middle name should be Grace.  Aside from the fact that "Grace" is simply a beautiful name, I wanted my little girl to bear the reminder that all life is a good and unearned gift.  And, somehow, I know that I need that reminder on a regular basis.

I work in a field where I regularly encounter people who have rarely experienced grace.  They are often the folks who are instead intimately acquainted with judgement, condemnation, failure, and fear.  Ungrace.

Theologically, I am convinced that grace is the basis of God's heart towards us.  But, I have also come to believe that most of us have great difficulty trusting or even acknowledging this definitive nature of God's intention.  Most of us feel more comfortable operating in a theological paradigm that is heavy on the very things that have become prisons for many of my counseling clients:  judgement, condemnation, failure and fear.  Ungrace.

And, I've learned that I need to be constantly reminded of grace.  I need grace in order the be the counselor that I believe I was designed to be.  I need it be be the wife that I long to be.  I need it to be the mom that my kids deserve.  I need it to find the peace that God has promised by His very presence.  Grace.

The most tangible reminders of grace in my life at this moment reside in the two tiny people that have been entrusted my care.  Two amazing and unearned gifts.  My children.  Grace.

And so, as a reminder to myself, as a statement to the world, and as a hope for our new baby girl, we have given her this powerful and life giving middle name to bear.
