Monday, September 5, 2011


Buster's new deal is waving.  He's pretty much mastered a wave that begins at his elbow and involves lots of movement through the very ends of his fingers.  He waves at people, Lu, the clock, the hummingbirds on our deck, dogs at the park, and angels.

Yes, that's right, I just said that Buster waves at angels.

There are times when Buster will look at what seems like nothing and he will wave vigorously.  He's usually smiling when he does this.  Half jokingly, we decided that maybe, just maybe, he's greeting angels.

Without unpacking my theological understanding of angels, suffice it to say that I do believe that they are real.  And I do believe that there is a spiritual dimension to our world of which we are often quite unaware.  There is a part of me that just likes to playfully ponder things and finds gentle wonderment in the idea that Buster might be waving at angels.


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