Sunday, April 3, 2011


I don't think I ever realized how differently my newborn son and I would view one single issue:  sleep.  As a brand new mom in those early weeks and even months, I longed for sleep.  Not just naps, but genuine long stretches of deep slumber.  During that time, if I ever were a passenger in a car, it was all that I could do to keep my eyes open and not immediately drop into a head nodding doze.  I was bone tired, because, seemingly, my newborn was not.

I don't know that Buster ever really went through that newborn phase where "all they do is sleep".  Although I'm sure that he did sleep at some point, I'm also pretty sure that for quite some time he didn't sleep for stretches that any adult would term "long" or "deep".  It's hard to say, because my sleep deprived memory from that stage is foggy at best.

I am thankful to say that, now, a half a year later, we are sleeping.  In fact, right now, Buster is taking a wonderful snowy-day-post-church-mid-afternoon nap.  And, I've already had a little snooze myself.  Even more wonderful is that fact that our nighttime sleeping can be counted in hours, not minutes.

Perhaps if I had had the assistance of Andrea Bocelli, Buster's newborn phase might have included a bit more time in dreamland.  Click here to see what I mean:

Editorial note:  This posting was developed with the sole intention of sharing the above video.  My husband and I both find it very funny.  I have to laugh every time I hear Elmo attempt to bargain with Andrea by singing "Elmo will be okay up..."

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