So, I'm defaulting to this almost cliche phrase as I ease myself back into blogging: It's been a busy summer.
Or, perhaps, more accurately, Buster has been busy this summer. In the past two months he's sprouted his first two teeth, mastered shouting at the cat (actually, its a very friendly shout and it is directed any any creature that has four legs), and, most recently, he's started walking. He walks everywhere. Constantly. No crawling, no sitting, no standing still. Walking. Out of my own curiosity, I'm considering putting a pedometer on the little man.
Based on observation, I would rank Buster's top ten hobbies in this order:
- Walking.
- Swinging.
- Eating applesauce.
- Shouting at the cat.
- Unrolling toilet paper.
- Picking up woodchips at the playground.
- Touching Jack the Puppet's hair at our Library's storytime.
- Standing up in the bathtub (totally against the rules, but he finds it VERY hard to resist).
- Blowing rasberries immediately after taking drinks of water.
- Playing with magnets on the lower part of the refrigerator.
I'll have to remember to show him this list when he's older. And, secretly, I hope that "when he's older" lingers in the future just a little bit longer.
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